Monday, July 5, 2010

How to open chakras with the breath

The development of psychic powers is easy but it takes some patience. This can be achieved if you learn how to open your chakras.To accomplish this all you really need is patience and to do the exercise every day. Today all the ancient secrets regarding the human spirit and it's unfolding are revealed , this knowledge of how to open chakras is now in the public domain.

Develop psychic powers
Chakra tuning and aligning
Astral projection
Aura viewing
Click here

If you don't know anything about chakras this might be confusing but I assume you have some knowledge or find it. Starting with the chakra at the base of the spine as number one the third eye chakra is the sixth. It is located right in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows and about an inch and a half inside. The sixth chakra is a center for the higher self's senses which are intuition and psychic senses.

Breathing is the key to unlock chakras and this simple yet highly effective exercise will do that.

It is effective yet simple and aids in opening up to the psychic world.

1. To start with breathe through your left nostril by pressing one finger against the right nostril. Inhale deeply and slowly.

2. The trick is now to simply imagine the breath as energy and as you inhale think that this energy moves from your nostril to your sixth chakra.

3. Exhale through the left nostril by closing the right. Slow and easy.

4. Image the exhale as going from the third eye to the nose and out of it.

5. Next inhalation keep the left nostril closed and inhale through the right. When the breath turns around and you're going to exhale change nostrils. Continue with the visualization of breath going from the nose to the sixth chakra and the opposite.

This might seem very simple but it is powerful and must not be overdone. The alternate nostril breathing technique is an ancient yoga practice and it is for slow development which is good. Too fast development can be dangerous (to your mental health). Each day don't do more than twelve full rounds.

Check out this site to find out more about chakras and spiritual things